Core strength training
The complete step-by-step guide to a stronger body and better posture for men and women
Frábær bók frá Dorling Kinderly um þjálfun sem eykur: styrk, líkamsstöðu og líkamsrækt fyrir bæði karlmenn og konur.
Bókin Core strength training (á ensku) eru skipt niður í 4 hluta með samtals 9 köflum, þeir eru:
- Introduction
- What is core?
- The spine
- The Anterior core muscles
- The posterior core muscles
- What is core Training?
- Core training and everyday activities
- Core training and posture
- Core training and sprot
- Core training and pregnancy
- Assessing your core
- Developing your core
- Equipment for core training
- Core-Training Exercises
- Visual Exercise directory
- Core movement directory
- Mobilization
- Thoracic roller
- lat roller
- Glute / piriformis roller
- Lumbar roller
- Tfl / Itb roller
- Neck rotation
- Neck extension and flexion
- Neck side flexion
- Shoulder rotation
- Torso rotation
- Torso side flexion
- Lying trunk rotation
- Lying waist twist
- Cat and camel
- Threading the needle
- Hip flexor stretch
- Hip circle
- Child’s pose
- Cobra extension
- Scorpion stretch
- Back roll
- Skier
- Standing roll-down
- Activation
- Active pelvic floor
- Pillow squeeze
- Hell slide
- Knee fold
- Toe tap
- Prone abdominal hollowing
- Dart
- Oyster
- Prone LEG LIFT
- Star
- Back extension
- Superman
- Foundation
- Abdoominal crunch
- Leg circle
- Reverse curl
- Dorsal raise
- Sit-up
- Oblique crunch
- Side-lying lateral crunch
- Side bend
- Heel Reach
- Roman chair side bend
- Side-lying leg lift
- Oblique reach
- Hip roll
- Roll-back
- Roll-up
- V leg-raise
- V sit-up
- Swim
- Super-slow bicycle
- Sprinter sit-up
- Horizontal balance
- Bridge
- Double-leg lower and lift
- Plank
- Side plank
- single-leg extension and stretch
- Double-leg extension and stretch
- Intermediate
- partner ball swap
- Hanging knee-up
- Windmill
- Good morning
- Roman chair back extension
- O-bar rotation
- Standing plate twist
- Kettlebell round-body swing
- Mountain climber
- Russian twist
- Medicine ball slam
- Medicine ball reverse throw
- Exercise ball back extension
- Medicine ball bridge
- Wall side throw
- Suspended single-arm core rotation
- Suspended pendulum
- Long-arm bridge pull-over
- Kettlebell swing
- Exercise ball knee tuck
- Core board rotation
- Exercise ball roll-out
- Suspended crunch
- Suspended oblique crunch
- Medicine ball chop
- Lawnmower
- Advanced
- GHD sit-up
- Pike
- Stick crunch
- Exercise ball jackknife
- GHD back extension
- Pulley chop
- Pulley lift
- Singe-leg, single-arm cable press
- Hanging toe tuck
- Sandbag shouldering
- Plank plate push
- Stepped plank walk
- Turkish get-up with kettleball
- Exercise ball Hip rotation kick
- Slide board wiper
- Raised pike dumbbell hand-walk
- Wall walk
- Static stretches
- Neck side flexion
- Upper-back stretch
- Pec stretch
- Last stretch
- Seated twist
- Lateral extension
- Standing back extension
- Seated spiral twist
- Cat stretch
- Child´s pose stretch
- Hip flexor stretch
- Oblique stretch
- Abdominal cobra stretch
- Lying waist twist
- Hamstring stretch 1
- Hamstring stretch 2
- Adductor stretch 1
- Adductor stretch 2
- Hip walk stretch
- Rotatitional lunge stretch
- Quad stretch
- Itb stretch
- Standing glute stretch
- Exercise ball back stretch
- Core-training programmes
- Introduction
- Fundamental core
- Good posture
- Bodyweight core training
- Core training core for pregnancy
- Post-pregnancy core training
- Design you own (levels 1-4)
- Design your own (levels 5-10)
- The core challenge 300
- Sports-Specific core training
- Introduction
- Sports-specific matrix
- Collision team sports
- Contact team sports
- Net-based sports
- Bat- and club-based sports
- Racket-based sport
- Running
- Throwing-based field sports
- Jumping-based field sports
- Weightlifting and powerlifting
- Combat sports
- Board-based sports
- Gymnastics
- Ski- and skate-based sports
- Water sports
- Swimming-based sports
- Cycling
- Equestrian sports
- Extreme sports
- Viðauki
- Glossary
- Index
- Acknowledments
- About the authors
- Saefty information
Ástand: Ný
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