Introduftion to the Human Body
The essentials of anatomy and physiology
Introduftion to the Human Body er kennslubók í grunnvallaratriðum í líffærafræði og lífeðlisfræði. Höfundar bókarinnar eru þeir Gerard J. Tortora er prófessor í líffræði og Bryan Derrickson er prófessor í líffræði og hafa unnið saman í mörg ár.
Bókin Introduftion to the Human Body er skipt niður í 24 kafla, þeir eru:
- Organization of the Human Body
- Introductory Chemistry
- Cells
- Tissues
- The Integumentary system
- The Skeletal system
- Joints
- The Muscular system
- Nervous tissues
- Central Nervous system, Spinal Nerves, and Cranial Nerves
- Autonomic Nervous system
- Somatic Senses and Special Senses
- The Endocrine system
- The Cardiovascular system: Blood
- The Cardiovascular system: Heart
- The Cardiovascular system: Blood vessels and Circulation
- The Lymphatic system and Immunity
- The Respiratory system
- The Digestive system
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- The Urinary system
- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base balance
- The Reproductive systems
- Development and Inheritance
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