501 must-visit wild places

Fully revised & updated

The natural world is full of awe, with many untouched locations offering adventures away from everyday life. Whilst some parts of the earth are beset by visitors, this book reveals destinations of Mother Nature’s most bare and beautiful creations.

Whether you are and adventurer, intrepid backpacker, holidaymaker or simply interested in the wider world, this book will surely stir your imagination. From Canada’s remote wilderness to the ice vastness of the Antarctic Peninsula, 501 Must-Visit Wild Places provides a fascinating overview of some of Planet Earth’s most famous wonders, along with many lesser-known marvels. (Heimild: Bakhlið Bókarinnar)

Bókin 501 Must-Visit Wild Places er skipt niður i sex kafla, þeir eru:

  • Americas & the Caribbean
  • Africa
  • Europe
  • Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East
  • Asia
  • Australasia & Oceania

Bók á ensku

Ástand: gott, bæði að innan sem utan

501 must-visit wild places


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Þyngd 1,1 kg
Ummál 20 × 3 × 24 cm

384 +myndir


Harðband (innbundin bók) klædd álímingi


Bounty books (deild í Octopus Publishing Group Ltd)






Arthur Findlay