The Hobbit Extended Edition 15 diska safn
Glæsilegur safnpakki samtals 15 diskar í pakka
An Unexpected Journey
- Prologue: The Fall of Erebor (Extended)
- Mr. Baggins (Added)
- Blunt the Knives (Extended)
- Rivendell (Extended)
- A Short Rest (Extended)
- The Last Homely House (Added)
- The White Council (Extended)
- The Great Goblin (Extended)
The Desolation of Smaug
- The Quest for Erebor (Extended)
- Queer Lodgings (Added)
- Where the Shadows Lie (Added)
- Elven-gate (Extended)
- Mirkwood (Extended)
- The Master of Lake-town (Extended)
- The World of Men (Extended)
- The Prophecy (Extended)
- A Warm Welcome (Extended)
- The Parting of the Company (Extended)
- The Lonely Mountain (Extended)
- The Spell of Concealment (Extended)
- Son of Thrór (Added)
- The Enemy Revealed (Extended)
The Battle of the Five Armies
- Bard the Dragon Slayer (Extended)
- Attack on Dol Guldur (Extended)
- „Summon Our Friends“ (Extended)
- The Elven-king’s Aid (Extended)
- The Night Watch (Added)
- An Honest Burglar (Extended)
- Dáin Ironfoot (Extended)
- The Clouds Burst (Extended)
- The Darkest Hour (Extended)
- „To the King!“ (Extended)
- A Call to Arms (Extended)
- Thorin’s Plan (Extended)
- The War Chariot (Added)
- Courage and Cowardice (Extended)
- An Unforeseen Remedy (Added)
- The Battle at Ravenhill (Extended)
- To the Death (Extended)
- King Under the Mountain (Added)
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