Learn to paint and draw
Bókin fjallar um: grunnatriðin, efnin, tæknina, samsetningu, liti, sjónarhorn og línur og tóna.
Bókin Learn to Paint and Draw er skipt niður í 14 kafla með undirköflum, þeir eru:
- Techniques
- Lead pencil
- Coloured pencil
- Pastels
- Pen and ink
- Oil painting
- Acrylics
- Gouache
- Watercolour
- Mixed media
- Advanced techniques
- Landscapes
- Sketching
- Composition: proportion and balance
- Composition: rhythm and movement
- Space in landscape: planes
- Space in landscape: linear perspective
- Space in landscape: tonal perspective
- Light, atmosphere and contrast
- Elements of landscape: buildings
- Elements of landscape: trees
- Elements of landscape: skies and clouds
- Elements of landscape: water
- Methods of drawing: observation
- Methods of drawing: selection
- Methods of oil painting: all prima
- Methods of oil painting: traditional
- Studies for and oil painting
- Completing an oil painting
- Foregrounds
- People
- Making a mark
- Learning to see
- Perceiving form
- Analysing movement
- Constructing form
- Using line
- Proportion
- Recording detail
- Tackling a subject
- The clothed figure
- Sketching
- Advanced techniques
- Animals
- Introduction to anatomy
- Dogs: basic structure
- Dogs: basic form
- Dogs: detail
- Dogs: tackling a subject
- Cats: basic structure
- Cats: basic form and movement
- Cats: detail and tackling a subject
- Horses: basic structure
- Horses: tackling a subject
- Capturing movement
- Birds: basic form and structure
- Painting a bird in watercolour
- Sketching at the zoo
Ástand: gott, bæði innsíður og kápa
Það eru engar umsagnir enn.